Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hurry up and wait

Not much to report today. Jess had a jumping lesson on Trevor this morning. They worked on adjusting and being able to go really forward. Nothing too terribly exciting. :) Trevor jumped well though. We got our Team Canada stuff for this trip today, so I'm wearing a very warm and impressively cute gray and black "Canada" jacket and have two warm snugrug long sleeve stretchie shirts to keep me warm while we're here as well.

Otherwise today, I have handwalked Trevor a lot with the other girls, done a good bit of laundry (both human and horse) including scrubbing new saddle pads with OxyClean, and cleaned a lot of tack. Exciting, I know! haha The horses that are here with us for Burghley are getting ready to leave the farm Tuesday morning and those of us waiting for Blenheim the week after are getting ready for a very quiet week. :) We had a great lunch at the Pub today, and will probably have dinner here at the farm since we did buy some groceries yesterday when we went into Marlborough.

It sounds like things at home are going well enough. I got word that my new horse, Emma, has some "puffy" legs today... hoping that's a bit of nothing. And it's almost the first of September which means it's time for bill paying and check cashing to happen without me there... a bit nerve-wracking! haha! I'm sure everyone will take care of things smoothly since they have all been so great to take care of everything while I'm gone so far. So with little to report, I'll leave it at that for today. Maybe I'll have something more exciting for y'all tomorrow!

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